Safety solutions for the
agriculture industry

Safety solutions for the
agriculture industry

In agriculture, workers face hazards like chemical exposure, machinery accidents, and outdoor risks. Our modernised PPE, including gloves, goggles, and protective clothing, is essential for shielding workers from these dangers and ensuring their safety

Agricultural workers often operate heavy machinery and equipment such as tractors, combines, and harvesters. Accidents involving these machines can result in serious injuries or fatalities.

Pesticides, fertilisers, and other agricultural chemicals used to protect crops can pose health risks if not handled properly. Exposure to these chemicals through skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion can cause chronic health problems.

Dust, mold, pollen, and other airborne particles present in agricultural environments can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and asthma. Agricultural machinery, such as tractors and grain dryers, can generate high levels of noise, leading to hearing loss and other auditory problems among workers. Contact with animals, insects, and contaminated water sources can expose agricultural workers to infectious diseases such as leptospirosis, Q fever, and Lyme disease.

Hazards in the agriculture industry
Respiratory issues
Livestock diseases
Respiratory issues
Livestock diseases
Did you know?
12,000 workers suffered from...
work-related ill health each year averaged over the three-year period from 2019 to 2022 (Source: HSE)
There were 22 fatal injuries...
to workers in the agriculture industry from 2021 to 2022 (Source: HSE)
On average, 11,000 workers...
sustain non-fatal injuries at work each year (Source: HSE)
Around 4.1% of workers suffered...
from work-related ill health (new or longstanding cases) out of all industries (Source: HSE)
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Das 360 Sicherheitsprogramm ist ein kostenloser und unverbindlicher Service, der dabei hilft, den spezifischen Bedarf an Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA) für einen bestimmten Standort oder Arbeitsplatz zu ermitteln und zu bewerten. Die personalisierte und maßgeschneiderte Bewertung kann an die spezifischen Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens angepasst werden.

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