Shipyard workers and shipbuilders are exposed to high levels of asbestos. Inhaling large quantities of these materials can be incredibly harmful. Long-term asbestos exposure can cause lung disease, severe fibrosis, and even cancer.
Oil rig platforms handle some of the world’s most dangerous chemicals. Working with highly flammable, corrosive, or explosive chemicals can result in severe burns or loss of limb function. Seafood processing may, at times, require the use of dangerous chemical substances.
Dermatologics, carcinogens, and asthmatic agents are some of the toxins present in the chemicals used when processing seafood. Products used for sanitising and cooling foods are examples of products that pose a significant risk. Engines require the skills of engineers to control the ship's primary functions. If these machines are not properly maintained, they could become very dangerous and may even cause explosions or fires that injure workers as well as the ship itself.