ANSI / ISEA 105:2016

American National Standard for Hand Protection Classification, specifying performance levels for gloves against mechanical risks.

This standard provides performance ranges for mechanical protection:

  • Cut resistance
Classification for cut resistance
Measured breakthrough
Permeation performance
index (grams)
A1 ≥ 200
A2 ≥ 500
A3 ≥ 1000
A4 ≥ 1500
A5 ≥ 2200
А6 ≥ 3000
A7 ≥ 4000
A8 ≥ 5000
A9 > 6000

  • Puncture resistance
ANSI/ISEA puncture resistance
ANSI puncture level Puncture resistance
1 10-19
2 20-59
3 60-99
4 100-149
5 150+

Puncture Resistance (ANSI/ISEA 105): Puncture resistance is determined by the max force that it takes, exerted from a probe, to puncture the fabric.

  • Abrasion resistance
ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 Abrasion Rating Chart
Abrasion Level
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Gram Load 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000
Cycles to Fail
<100 ≥100 ≥500 ≥1,000 ≥3,000 ≥10,000 ≥20,000

X’ means that the test was not performed or not possible.

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