ISO 11612:2015
This standard specifies performance requirements for clothing designed to protect against a range of heat and flame hazards, including radiant heat, convective heat, molten metal splash, and contact heat.
It applies to workers in environments with a risk of exposure to significant heat and flame hazards (e.g., firefighters, welders, metal workers).
The standard specifies minimum performance levels for several types of thermal protection. Clothing compliant with ISO 11612:2015 is tested against the following factors, and the results must meet specified performance requirements for each type of heat:
- Limited Flame Spread (A1, A2):
- A1: Surface Ignition
- A2: Edge Ignition
This test ensures that the clothing does not ignite or continue burning after exposure to flame. Both A1 and A2 involve testing the garment for resistance to flame spread under different conditions (surface or edge).
- Convective Heat (B1, B2, B3):
3. B1-B3: Different levels of protection against convective heat, where B1 is the lowest level and B3 is the highest. This measures the time the clothing can protect against heat transfer through air (e.g., flame exposure).
- Radiant Heat (C1, C2, C3, C4):
4. C1-C4: Protection against radiant heat, with C4 providing the highest protection. This test assesses how well the clothing can protect against radiant heat sources (e.g., furnaces or fire).
- Molten Aluminum Splash (D1, D2, D3):
5. D1-D3: Resistance to molten aluminum splashes, where D3 offers the most protection. This simulates accidental exposure to molten aluminum splashes to ensure the fabric can resist penetration and protect the wearer.
- Molten Iron Splash (E1, E2, E3):
6. E1-E3: Protection against molten iron splashes, with E3 being the highest level of protection. Similar to the molten aluminum test, but specifically focused on molten iron.
- Contact Heat (F1, F2, F3):
7. F1-F3: Protection against contact heat, where F3 provides the highest level of protection. The fabric is tested for how long it can resist direct contact with hot objects.